Park Orchards Primary School
Welcome to POPS … The future starts here
At Park Orchards Primary School we provide a nurturing, safe and high quality learning environment for all our students. Our school is set in a uniquely beautiful physical environment with extensive play areas and gardens.
The curriculum we provide is based on academic rigor and also includes specialist subjects and support programs which enable all our students to experience success and creative opportunities.
Bushfire At Risk Register School
Park Orchards Primary School is a Bushfire At Risk Register School (BARR). Inclusion on this register is a trigger for the school, kindergarten or child care facility to pre-emptively close on days declared Code Red in their Bureau of Meteorology district.

TheirCare provides our school community with exceptional Outside School Hours Care!
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Park Orchards Primary School
Principal Bronwyn Garrity
1-3 Bowmore Avenue
Park Orchards, Victoria, 3114
Ph (03) 9876 1249
Fax (03) 9876 3468